3.1 Standards of Committee E-4 consist of test methods, practices, and guides developed to ensure proper and uniform testing in the field of metallography. In order for one to properly use and interpret these standards, the terminology used in these standards must be understood.
3.2 The terms used in the field of metallography have precise definitions. The terminology and its proper usage must be completely understood in order to adequately communicate in this field. In this respect, this standard is also a general source of terminology relating to the field of metallography facilitating the transfer of information within the field.
篩序:標準套篩按篩孔尺寸從大到小的依次排列。 篩比:篩序中相鄰兩篩篩孔尺寸之比。 網目:標準篩篩孔尺寸大小的一種表示法, 一般指單位長度 (1in. 或1cm) 的篩孔數。 孔:習慣上指標準篩1cm[1...
簡介 標準篩主要用于各試驗室、化驗室、物品篩選、篩分、級配等檢驗部門對顆粒狀、粉狀物料的粒度結構、液體類固體物含量及雜物量的精確篩分、過濾、檢測,該系列檢驗篩具有噪音低、標準篩體,篩、濾樣品效率、精度高等優點,廣泛用于冶金、粉粒、化工、醫藥、建材、地質、國防等部門的科研生產、試驗室、質檢室...
簡介 標準篩主要用于各試驗室、化驗室、物品篩選、篩分、級配等檢驗部門對顆粒狀、粉狀物料的粒度結構、液體類固體物含量及雜物量的精確篩分、過濾、檢測,該系列檢驗篩具有噪音低、標準篩體,篩、濾樣品效率、精度高等優點,廣泛用于冶金、粉粒、化工、醫藥、建材、地質、國防等部門的科研生產、試驗室、質檢室...
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