
共找到 150 條與 氣相色譜用對照品 環己烷 相關的標準,共 10

1含量(C6H12),w/% ≥ 99.90 2密度范圍(20℃),ρ/(g/mL) 0.778~0.779 3結晶點,t/℃ ≥ 6.0 4蒸發殘渣,w/% ≤ 0.002 5苯(C6H6),w/% 

Chemical reagent — Reference material for gas chromatography — Cyclohexane

1含量(CH2Cl2),w/% ≥ 99.90 2色度/黑曾單位 ≤ 10 3密度(20℃),ρ/(g/mL) 1.320~1.330 4蒸發殘渣,w/% ≤ 0.002 5酸度(以 H+計),b/(mmol/g

Chemical reagent — Reference material for gas chromatography — Dichloromethane

Air purity protection Tests for cyclohexane Determination of cyclohexane in work places by gas chromatography with sample enrichment

1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the hydrocarbon impurities typically found in cyclohexane and the purity of cyclohexane

Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography

Air purity protection Tests for cyclohexane Determination of cyclohexane in permanent residence area air by gas chromatography with sample enrichment

D7266-Test Method for Analysis of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (External Standard)

D7871-Test Method for Analysis of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (Effective Carbon Number)

Standard Test Method for Analysis of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (External Standard)

Cyclohexane for industrial use.Determination of purity and hydrocarbon impurities.Gas chromatographic method

Cyclohexane for industrial use―Determination of purity and hydrocarbon impurities-Gas chromatographic method

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the purity of cyclohexane by gas chromatography. Calibration of the gas chromatography system is done

Standard Test Method for Analysis of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (External Standard)

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the purity of cyclohexane by gas chromatography. 1.2 This test method is applicable

Standard Test Method for Analysis of Cyclohexane by Gas Chromatography (External Standard)

本標準規定了用PorapakQ柱氣相色譜法分離測定車間空氣中環己烷。 本標準適用于測定環己烷生產和使用場所空氣中環己烷的濃度

Workplace air--Determination of cyclohexane--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method

本標準規定了用聚乙二醇6000柱氣相色譜法分離測定車間空氣中環己烷。 本標準適用于測定生產和使用場所空氣中環己烷的濃度

Workplace air--Determination of cyclohexane--Direct injection gas chromatographic method

本標準規定了蜂產品中環己烷氨基磺酸鈉的液相色譜-質譜的測定方法。 本標準適用于蜂蜜和蜂王漿中環己烷氨基磺酸鈉的測定

Determination of sodium cyclamate in bee products.LC-MS/MS method

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