
共找到 150 條與 乙酸酐 相關的標準,共 10

Colour, crystallizing point, maleic acid content, maleic anhydride content, ash, iron content. Methods of test appended

Specification for maleic anhydride

本標準規定了1,8-茶二甲酸酐的技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規則、包裝和質量證明書。 本標準適用于從高溫煤焦油中分離出的工業苊,經氧化制得的1,8-荼二甲酸酐

1,8-Naphthalic anhydride

This specihcatíon was approved by the War Department and the Navy Repartment for use of procurement services of the Army and the Navy


Maleic anhydride for industrial use - Determination of maleic anhydride content-Titrimetric .method

Non-ionic surface active agents-Polyethoxylated derivatives-Determination of hydroxyl value-Acetic anhydride method

Esta norma tiene por objeto indicar el método que se debe emplear para determinar el contenido de anhídrido ftálico, en una resina

Anhydrides in alkyd resins italic

Cette norme européenne a pour objet de fixer le mode opératoire pour le dosage de l'anhydride sulfurique des ciments

cement. Sulfur (acid) anhydride dosage

Chromium Trioxide (Chromic Acid Anhydride)

本標準規定了飼料添加劑丁酸鈉的要求、試驗方法、檢驗規則、標簽、包裝、運輸、貯存和保質期。 本標準適用于以丁酸和氫氧化鈉(或碳酸鈉)為原料,經中和、精制、干燥制得的飼料添加劑丁酸鈉。 化學名稱:丁酸鈉 分子式:C4H7Na02 結構式:略 相對分子質量

Feed additive.Sodium butyrate

1.1 This code describes the properties of acetic anhydride, the nature of hazards associated with it and essential information on storage, handling

Acetic Anhydride Safety Specifications

Maleic anhydride for industrial use

Styrol-Maleins鋟reanhydrid-Copolymerisat mit Glasfasern Styrene-Maleic Acid Anhydride-Copolymer with Glass Fibres English/German

Styrol-Maleins鋟reanhydrid-Copolymerisat mit Glasfasern Styrene-Maleic Acid Anhydride - Copolymer with Glass Fibres English/German

Styrene-maleic anhydride copolymer with glass fibers English/German

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